The Israeli InsurTech Roadshow – Live Virtual Pitch Event


More than 200 insurance companies, venture capital funds and key personnel from 23 countries took part in the virtual Israel Insuretech Conference held on Monday (April 6). 19 Israeli startups in the Insurtech sector presented their technologies to the participants and answered questions from the audience. 

The aim of the Conference, says InsurTech Israel CEO Kobi Bendelak was to promote the Israeli InsurTech industry in these challenging and difficult times. Ineed, this difficult period has emphasized the great and important need amongst insurance companies for technology and this is clear from the event itself, with tens of insurance companies from around the world joining the Conference.

One of the startups taking part in the event was OpenLegacy. Company CEO Romi Stein said that this opportunity is a special one for exposure to the customers and many key people from all around the world: “we took advantage of this opportunity, and I want to thank Kobi Bendelak and Israel InsurTech for the special and far from easy operation in bringing so many key people from around the world, which of course demonstrates Israel’s huge influence on the industry”.

Kobi Bendelak said that in view of the success of the event, he is planning producing another InsurTech Roadshow in ten days time.


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